No dia 3 de fevereiro 2013 fomos notificados por um membro do público, através do projeto MAMA TELL, em relação ao postagens por um indivíduo que parecia ser um soldado servindo no exército, supostamente baseado em Basingstoke. The comments on Facebook by this individual included thoughts to plant a bomb within a mosque and where he also suggested that he was particularly good in making bombs. These postings were public in nature and were of a chilling nature.
TELL MAMA informed a serving chaplain within the Armed Forces about the comments that we had received from a member of the public and swift action was taken by the Military Police of the Armed Forces. Nós recebemos a notificação hoje, (19/02/13) que a Polícia Militar havia investigado e que o indivíduo não está servindo nas Forças Armadas. Eles nos aconselharam a informar as autoridades civis e policiais, whcih we will be doing.
We would like to convey our thanks for the swift action taken by the Armed Forces and in particular, pela Polícia Militar nesta matéria. É claro que o Exército e as Forças de Sua Majestade levar esses assuntos muito a sério. We can all be proud of the action which they undertook.
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